Regional Bibliography of the Wola District is a catalogue created by Public Library in the Wola District of the Capital City of Warsaw. The catalogue is a compilation of the resources available in the libraries located across the Wola district of Warsaw - i.e. books, maps, plans, electronic documents and related publications from both local and national press. The areas lying within the boundaries of today’s Wola district as well as the former and historical administrative divisions (settlement enclaves not subject to the jurisdiction of municipality)
of Nowolipie, Leszno, Wielople and Grzybowo as well as part of today’s Bemowo-Jelonki borough are all contained in the contents of that catalogue.
The documents have been drawn up and segregated by the topic so that the information sought-for can be easily looked up by way of subject search index such as address of the required place, organization name, tenement house, or historical event, etc.
In order to get access to the catalogue you either enter the home page address of Public Library in the Wola District of the Capital City of Warsaw, or click on the link below:
Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Wola Warszawy al. Solidarności 90 01-003 Warszawa
22 529-09-44
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